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Bahraini regime and Medical Staff

Published on 29 March 2013, by M. Tomazy.
"The Bahraini government’s official spokeswoman has accused Prof Tom Collins, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RSCI) Bahrain campus, of “utter lies” after Prof Collins said he was resigning because a conference he helped organise on medical ethics failed to get a permit.
Prof Collins informed staff and students at the weekend that he was stepping down in protest over the cancellation of the two-day event which was to examine “medical ethics and dilemmas in situations of political discord or violence” and was co-sponsored by medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières.
The theme of the conference was sensitive in Bahrain given the continuing fallout from the rounding up of scores of medics in early 2011 as Bahraini security forces tried to snuff out pro-democracy rallies. Three of those arrested had trained at the RCSI in Dublin."