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The near lynching of a `Alawite Syrian in Tripoli: not a word from the "democratic" Syrian opposition

Published on 23 April 2013, by M. Tomazy.

"A Syrian yesterday stopped to buy cigarettes in Tripoli.  Somebody suspected that he was `Alawite: he was swiftly taken by the armed Salafite groups in the city (regarded as pro-Western March 14 in Western media) and tortured and dragged by a rope around the city before he was rescued by the Lebanese Army.  The ruling that led to his torture was vomited by the kooky pro-Saudi clerics that now rule the city.  On his chest, they wrote: "I am a `Alawite Shabbih".  Not a word from the Human Rights Watch office in Beirut, which doubles as a propaganda office for the Hariri movement.   (thanks Wael)

PS I should have a special series under the headline "The other side of your revolution". "

Source: The Angry Arab Blog

This quoted post is only one of my reasons which makes me stand against what-so-called 'Revolution' in Syria.
Foreign fighters from Chechnya hijacked patriarch yesterday. I really wonder, If that is not one-sided sectarian violence, what that should be, by definition.
We have never heard nor watched one single pro-Assad citizen to shout sectarian slogans.
From other hand, When NATO-GCC alliance supports an opposition, Shouldn't that trigger question marks? They have already 'liberated' Iraq and Afghanistan.