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The Libyan revolution is discussing Women Underclothes

Published on 12 May 2013, by M. Tomazy.
Libyan Provisional Government/ Prime Minister's Office:
Respected Libya's Grand Mufti,
With reference to your letter to Prime Minister No. D.C2389 dated in Apr. 12, 2013, related to regulation of importing women underclothes and your observation for the phenomenon of importing underclothes which exceeds the shar'i's purpose [according to religion] of them. And your request in Dar Al-Ifta'a to monitor on importing women underclothes.
We inform you by our legal opinion, that Prime Minister Office lacks of jurisdiction regarding to re-organize clothes importing, and Dar Al-Ifta'a is requested to address the General National Congress regarding to this.

1- What a revolution in Libya.. ha ha ha.
2- How could one observe a weared underwear? by x-ray or Ultrasonography ..LOL