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The psychology of the dictator

The dictator is tyrant, bloody, corrupt etc.. and the dictator is linked to totalitarian regime lacks freedom of speech and political participation, except for some of the ruling elites surrounding him. However, this is, in fact, an over-reduction of the psychological and behavioral aspects of the...
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What is the genius?

Genius is a person who has a very high (i.e. more than the smart) Intelligence Quotient (IQ). So, in order to describe a person as "genius", he or she must gain above-smart score in the pre-existing standard IQ test. This criterion is, however, wrong. So, what is the genius? The genius asks...
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Basil Al-Araj: The Turning Point of The Palestinian Youth

The Israeli forces assassinated Palestinian activist two days ago. For a moment, it is just a daily headline in Palestine diaries, however, the event is a turning point in Palestine, at least, I have noticed that incidence, which supposed to be an ordinary daily event, left a very deep and reactionary...
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Trump, Antisemitism and the end of Zionists' euphoria

Trump was aware of the importance of Israel in the domestic and foreign US politics more than any other US president.  Israel was the only non-US state where Trump ran a parallel presidential campaign. He also included moving the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem as an independent item among...
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Israeli forces killed her 40-year-old teenager

Twenty years ago, Mrs. Elayyan finished her second decade duration of infertility. She and her husband had finally decided to undergo the relatively new assisted reproductive technique at that time in Palestine. Nine months later, their parental longing and patience were  cooled when they heard...
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Turkey-Israel Reconciliation

On 31 May 2010, Mavi Marmara the flagship of Gaza freedom flotilla was attacked in the international waters of the Mediterranean Sea by Israeli special forces. Nine Turkish activists were killed in the attack. The flotilla was heading to Gaza strip in attempt to break the siege. The Turkish-Israeli...
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Paris Attacks Are A Conspiracy Practice

On November 13, Paris witnessed series of coordinated terrorist attacks started with suicide bombings at 09:20 pm, outside the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, the northern suburb of Paris. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks and French president François Hollande announced that "France...
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Why do I become a pro-Assad activist?

Arab uprisings started as the natural fate of longstanding totalitarianism, corruption and lack of social justice. The economic situation played a major role to evoke the spontaneous and unexpected popular demonstrations in central squares.  At the beginning, Tunisia witnessed massive demonstrations...
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A Scope on Jewish Terrorism in Palestine

A picture of 18-month-old Palestinian toddler who was burned alive by Jewish extremists (July 31). Brief record: One-and-a-half year old Ali Saad Dawabsha became the latest victim of Israeli violence on July 31. He was burned to death. Other members of his family were also severely burned in a...
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Israel Appoints Special Team to Plan Strike on Iran

By Ari Yashar, Arutz Sheva |   As world powers and Iran reach a deadline Tuesday – which may be extended – for talks on the Islamic regime’s nuclear program, Israel is taking steps to prepare for a military strike on Tehran’s nuclear facilities so as to defend itself from the impending threat. Iran...
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